Programmer Coding

What is Java ?

Java is a high-  position, object-  acquainted programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems in themid-1990s. It’s designed to be platform-independent, meaning that Java programs can run on any device or system with a Java Virtual Machine( JVM). Then is a detailed explanation of Java.

Why java

  1. Java is platform independent means write once run anywhere.
  2. Java is complete object oriented language.
  3. Java has a built in support for exception handling.
  4. Java has a built in support for multithreading application.
  5. It is provide communication with c/c++ cods through java native interface.

What is the basic element of java?

  • Java have various building block.
  • Every programing language contain alphabets which encapsulate thing like identifiers, keywords and special symbol.
  • Java have some new keyword who maintained its uniqueness.




  • the variables of primitive data types.
  • User defined classes.
  • Interface

Identifier should not contain the following character:

[] , {} , () , // , * , \ , + , – , , , ; , “ ” , ‘ ’ , # , % , ! , ^ etc.

Unlike c/c++ (doller)$ and (underscore)_ is allowed in java.


  1. Java does not support global variable but c/c++ support global variable.
  2. Through packages java have classes and pre-defined methods.
  3. Java provide an object-oriented through wrapper class.
  4. Java have primitive data type like int,float,byte,char,Boolean etc.
  5. Java does not have header files and processor directive.
  6. Java local variable supported inside.
  7. c/c++ provide memory overlappling feature which is junk in java.

Keywords in java

keywords Description
Abstract ·        Abstract is used to declare a class or method.

·        Abstract method does not contain its body.

·        Abstract only has the declaration where its body is defined.

Boolean ·        In java Boolean is a primitive data type.

·        Boolean can have either true or false value.

·        It represented as an integral value.

·        Size of a Boolean variable is 8 bit.

Break ·        Break is used in loops and switch case.

·        Break is particularly used to break the normal flow of the program.

Continue ·        continue is used in do, do-while & for loops.

·        It is used for jumps to the condition.

Byte ·        in java byte is primitive data type.

·        Its size is 1 byte or 8 bit.

·        When used static variable then its default value is zero.

·        When used instance variable then its default value is also zero.

Case ·        Case is used to create individual case in switch statement.

·        It clause precedes integer constant.

Catch ·        Catch is a component of exception handling.

·        Catch is always follows the try block to catch the exception.

Try ·        Try is a component of exception handling.

·        All the exception generated codes are embedded inside the try block.

Class ·        Class is the keyword through whish a programmer defines the user-defined class template.
Default ·        Default is an optional component of switch case.

·        When no condition is satisfied then default case is executed.

Double ·        In java double is a primitive data type.

·        Double is store real numbers in 64 bit.

Extends  ·        In java extend keyword is used to support inheritance.
Final ·        Final is used in case of variables to create constant.

·        When final is used in the case of method that method cannot be overridden.

·        If final is used in the case of class then that class cannot be inherited.

Finally ·        In java finally is a component of exception handling.

·        Whenever try block is executed it’s mandatory that the code inside the finally block be executed.

If ·        If is used for the purpose of condition checking.
Else ·        Else is the extension of its own.

·        Else is used along with if statement.

·        Else is used for condition checking.

·        When if part is not executed then else part is executed.

·        In if-else statement the else part is optional.

Do ·        Do is always to make complete with the do while loop.
While ·        In java while is a keyword used for creating loop.
For ·        For is used to create a looping statement.
Int ·        Int is used to store natural number.

·        Size of int is 4 bit.

Float ·        Float is used to store real number.

·        Size of float is 32 bit.

Char ·        Char is primitive data type in java.

·        Size of char is 16 bit.

·        The Unicode character hold by char in java.

True ·        True is a Boolean constant.
False ·        False is a Boolean constant.
Switch ·        It is basically used for condition checking.
Implements ·        Implement is used to inherit multiple number of interface.
Import ·        Used to import existing package.

·        Location of package is class file.

Instanceof ·        Instanceof is a binary operator.

·        Instanceof used to determine the parent-child relationship between two objects.

Long  ·        Long is used to store integral value.

·        Size of long is 8 byte.

Null ·        Null is a reference literal value.

·        Null can only be assign to reference variable.

·        When a reference variable is created in side stack its default value is null.

Package ·        Package keyword is used to declare a package.

·        Its collection of class file.

Private ·        Private is an access modifier.

·        If an entity inside a class is declared as private private class cannot be inherited to its child class.

·        Private variable are not only accessed inside the class.

Protected ·        Protected is an access specifier.

·        Protected entities are accessed outside the package through inheritance.

Public ·        Public is an access specifire.

·        Public variable can be accessed from anywhere.

Return ·        Return is used to return control from a method along with a value.
Short ·        in java short is a primitive data type.

·        Size of short is 8 bit.

Static ·        Its an associate with a method and a constructor.

·        Its related to a class variable.

·        Its entities are through a class name.

This ·        It is used by an object to refer to itself.
Throw ·        throw is a component of java exception handling.

·        It’s used to throw an exception object.

Throws ·        Throws is used along with the method signature.

·        Throws is used by the call method to throw the unhandled exception to the calling method.

Transient ·        Transient is used for the variables.

·        When the programmer does not want to store permanently.

Void ·        If a method does not return anything then void is used to denote its return type.
Volatile ·        Volatile is used along with a variable name.

·        It change its value without informing.


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