Programmer Coding

Strings in Python

What are Strings in Python?

Strings in Python are part of the programming language and are used to represent data. Since strings are immutable, they cannot be changed after they are created. This means strings can be kept the same each time they are used, making developers more efficient. In Python, you can manipulate strings in different ways using functions such as Upper() and Lower(). Strings can also support regular expressions for string comparison and replacement. The variety of strings in Python gives developers many options when working with text files.


variable 1 =  ‘!’

variable 2 =  ‘Hello World!’

Accessing String Value in Python

Key string access is easy in the Python programming language and can be a useful tool when working on large projects. Python has a built-in feature called “slicing” for accessing characters in any string. Using slicing syntax, anyone can “extract” or “slice” different variants of a string to get a specific value. Accessing the key sequence can also open applications that can change information between letters in a word, for example.


variable1 = ‘Hello World!’  # Define a string variable

variable2 = “”  # Define another string variable

# Access the first character of variable1 using indexing

print “variable1[0]: “, variable1[0]

# Access a slice of variable2 from index 1 to 4 (5 is exclusive)

print “variable2[1:5]: “, variable2[1:5]


variable1[0]:  H

variable2[1:5]:  rogr

Updating Strings

Updating Strings in Python programming language can be a straightforward manner. with the intention to take advantage of all the modern-day features, a user have to first discover ways to edit the present strings in their code. Updating current strings will involve changing their value or contents, whether or not it’s only for beauty purposes or for functionality updates. the two important ways to update strings are by way of the use of cutting and indexing operations and the replace() technique. each offer simple answers that allow string updates to take place quickly and effortlessly. Updating Strings in Python is an important ability for every person looking to maximize effectiveness while coding.


original_string = “Hello, World!”

# Updating the string by replacing a substring

updated_string = original_string.replace(“Hello”, “Hi”)

# Printing the updated string

print(“Updated String:”, updated_string)


Updated String: Hi, World!

Python escape characters

Escape sequences are special characters used to insert characters that may or may not be possible for the user to type directly. For example, using escape is a better way, and sometimes the only way, to add new lines because doing this job manually would not be useful or possible.

Escape Sequence Description Example
\n Newline "Hello\nWorld"
\t Tab "Hello\tWorld"
\\ Backslash "C:\\Users"
\' Single Quote "It\'s"
\" Double Quote "She said \"Hi\""
\b Backspace "Hello\bWorld"
\r Carriage Return "Hello\rWorld"
\f Formfeed "Hello\fWorld"

String Special Operators in python

Special operators in Python are a set of operators that go beyond the standard arithmetic and logical operators. These operators provide additional functionality to perform specific tasks or comparisons in a more specialized manner.

Operator Description Example
+ Concatenation 'Hello' + 'World'
* Repetition 'Hello' * 3
[] Slice 'Python'[0:3]
[:] Range Slice 'Python'[2:]
in Membership 'a' in 'Python'
not in Negative Membership 'z' not in 'Python'
% Formatting '%s %s' % ('Hello', 'World')
{} Formatting '{} {}'.format('Hello', 'World')

String formatting Operator in Python

String formatting operators in python are powerful tools that allow developers to store precious time. in preference to manually replacing strings, a string formatting operator can automate the entire manner with only a few strains of code. String formatting operations also can enhance the clarity and maintainability of code, which is particularly beneficial if there are many variables or strings to get replaced


print “My name is %s and weight is %d kg!” % (‘Urmi’, 58)


My name is Urmi and weight is 58 kg!

Here is the list of a complete set of symbols that can be used along with % −

Operator Description Example
%s String '%s' % 'Hello'
%d Integer '%d' % 42
%f Floating point number '%f' % 3.14
%x Hexadecimal integer '%x' % 255
%o Octal integer '%o' % 8
%e Exponential notation, lowercase '%e' % 1000
%E Exponential notation, uppercase '%E' % 1000
%g Either %f or %e, shorter of the two '%g' % 1000
%c Single character '%c' % 'a'

Other supported symbols and their functionality are listed in the following table –

Symbol Functionality Example
{} Placeholder for positional arguments "{} {}".format('Hello', 'World')
{0} Placeholder for the first positional argument "{0} {1}".format('Hello', 'World')
{1} Placeholder for the second positional argument "{1} {0}".format('World', 'Hello')
{:b} Binary format "{:b}".format(10)
{:c} Converts the integer to the corresponding unicode character "{:c}".format(97)
{:d} Decimal format "{:d}".format(10)
{:o} Octal format "{:o}".format(10)
{:x} Hexadecimal format (lowercase) "{:x}".format(10)
{:X} Hexadecimal format (uppercase) "{:X}".format(10)
{:.2f} Floating point format with 2 decimal places "{:.2f}".format(3.14159)
{:.2%} Percentage format with 2 decimal places "{:.2%}".format(0.25)

Unicode String

Normal strings in Python programming language are stored internally as the 8-bit ASCII, while Unicode strings are saved as the sixteen-bit Unicode. This specific function lets in for a extra various set of characters which includes unique characters from maximum languages within the global.


My_str = ‘!’


Built in string methods in python with example

Python includes the following built-in methods to manipulate strings

Method Description Example
capitalize() Converts the first character of the string to uppercase "hello".capitalize() → "Hello"
upper() Converts all characters to uppercase "hello".upper() → "HELLO"
lower() Converts all characters to lowercase "Hello".lower() → "hello"
title() Converts the first character of each word to uppercase "hello world".title() → "Hello World"
swapcase() Swaps the case of each character "Hello World".swapcase() → "hELLO wORLD"
strip() Removes leading and trailing whitespace " hello ".strip() → "hello"
lstrip() Removes leading whitespace " hello ".lstrip() → "hello "
rstrip() Removes trailing whitespace " hello ".rstrip() → " hello"
startswith(prefix) Returns True if the string starts with the specified prefix "Hello World".startswith("Hello") → True
endswith(suffix) Returns True if the string ends with the specified suffix "Hello World".endswith("World") → True
replace(old, new) Replaces all occurrences of the old substring with the new substring "hello world".replace("world", "python") → "hello python"
find(substring) Returns the lowest index of the first occurrence of substring "hello world".find("world") → 6
index(substring) Returns the lowest index of the first occurrence of substring "hello world".index("world") → 6
count(substring) Returns the number of occurrences of substring in the string "hello world".count("l") → 3
split(separator) Splits the string into a list of substrings using the specified separator "hello,world".split(",") → ['hello', 'world']
join(iterable) Concatenates elements of an iterable with the string as a separator ",".join(['hello', 'world']) → "hello,world"

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